Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

RPP Listening skill

Nama sekolah   : sma kartika 1-5 padang
mata pelajaran  : bahasa inggris
kelas                 : x/1
pertemuan        : 1
alokasi waktu   : 2x45        
Standar kompetensi  :
2. memahami makna teks fungsionalpendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount , narrative , dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi dasar     :
2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks : narrative.
Indicator                    :
a. mengetahui jenis teks yang didengar.
b. mengetahui fungsi dan tujuan dari teks narative
c. mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks yang didengar.
Ø  Tokoh
Ø  Tempat dan waktu kejadian
Ø  Orientatation, konflik, dan resolusion.
Ø  Akhir cerita
Ø  Nilai moral
d. merespon teks narrative dalam ragam bahasa lisan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan.
1. Tujuan pembelajaran :
a. mengetahui jenis teks yang didengar.
b. mengetahui fungsi dan tujuan dari teks narrative
c. mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar.
d. mengidentifikasi tempat dan waktu kejadian dari cerita yang didengar.
e. mengidentifikasi urutan peristiwa dalam teks yang didengar.
f. mengidentifikasi akhir cerita dari teks yang didengar.
g. mengidentifikasi nilai moral dalam teks yang didengar.
h. merespon teks narrative dalam ragam bahasa lisan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan.
2. Materi pokok                :
1. Fakta
·         Jenis teks narrative
·         Tokoh dalam cerita : snow white, and seven dwarf.
·         Tempat dan waktu kejadian : home, in the wood dan once upon a time.
·         Orientation : once upon a time a little girl named snow white live with her aunt and ancle.
·         Konflik  : snow white heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving snow white in the castle because they didn’t have enough money to take snow white  with them to go to America.
·         Resolution : snow white run away from home into the wood, she met seven dwarfs and invited snow white live with them.
·         Akhir cerita : snow white and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

2.  Konsep
·         Defenisi teks narrative
Narrative is a text focusing specific participants.
·         Tujuan teks narrative
Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
·         Generic structure
§  Orientation
§  Conflik
§  Resolution

3. Prinsip
·         Past tense
·         Reported speech
·         Conjunction

3. Materi ajar                 :
1.Teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
Snow white
    Once upon a time a little girl named snow white lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died. One day, she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving snow white in the castle because they wanted go to America and they didn’t have money to take snow white with them. Snow white didn’t want her uncle to do this. So she decided to run away from home into the wood when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast.
    In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knoked but no one answered. So she went inside and felt a sleep.
    Meanwhile seven dwarf were coming home from work. They found snow white woke up. She saw the dwarf said : “what’s your name?”. then snow white said : “my name’s snow white .” one of dwarf said, “if you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow white told the whole story about her. Then snow white and the seven dwarf  lived happily ever after.

2. Siswa mendengar teks yang dicerikan dan menganalisa tokoh dalam cerita.
    Tokoh dari teks narrative : snow white, and seven dwarf.
3. Siswa mendengar teks yang dicerikan dan menganalisa tempat dan waktu kejadian.
    Tempat dan waktu kejadian : home, in the wood dan once upon a time.
4. Siswa mendengar teks yang dicerikan dan menganalisa urutan peristiwa dalam cerita.
    Orientation : once upon a time a little girl named snow white live with her aunt and ancle.
    Konflik  : snow white heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving snow white in the castle  because they didn’t have enough money to take snow white  with them to go to America.
    Resolution : snow white run away from home into the wood, she met seven dwarfs and invited snow white live with them.
5. Siswa mendengar teks yang dicerikan dan menganalisa akhir dari cerita.
    Akhir cerita : snow white and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
6. memperlihatkan kepada siswa narrative text berbentuk past tense.
form : S + (verb+ed) or irregular verb.
   example : + Snow white told the whole story about her.
                    - Snow white didn’t want her uncle to do this.
7. memperlihatkan kepada siswa narrative menggunakan reported speech.
   a. “what’s your name?”
   b. “my name’s snow white .”
   c. “if you wish, you may live here with us.”
8. memperlihatkan kepada siswa narrative memiliki temporal conjunction.
 when, because, with, than.
4. Metode pembelajara :
- Dictoglos strategy
5. Prosedur
    Langkah-langkah kegiatan :
·         Kegiatan awal (10’)
Guru menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik (brainstorming) untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran.

-  Guru mengajukan beberapa pertanyaaan-pertanyaan yang mengaitkan dengan materi yang akan dipelajari.
contoh :
1. Do you know story about Siti nurbaya?
2. What happened with Siti nurbaya?
3. Can you tell about Siti nurbaya?
4. What was the end of the story?

-  Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai.
after listen this story I hope you know kind of text, you can identify the text and also identify some information on the story.

-  Guru menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

-  Guru memberikan teks lisan dan meminta siswa untuk mengidentifikasi informasi yang ada dalam teks.

·         Kegiatan inti (60’)
Explorasi :
§  Siswa mendengar sebuah teks narrative.

Once upon a time a little girl named snow white lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were died. One day, she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving snow white in the castle because they wanted go to America and they didn’t have money to take snow white with them. Snow white didn’t want her uncle to do this. So she decided to run away from home into the wood when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast.
In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knoked but no one answered. So she went inside and felt a sleep.
Meanwhile seven dwarf were coming home from work. They found snow white woke up. She saw the dwarf said : “what’s your name?”. then snow white said : “my name’s snow white .” one of dwarf said, “if you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow white told the whole story about her. Then snow white and the seven dwarf  lived happily ever after.

guru membacakan text lisan sebanyak dua kali.

§  Siswa mengetahui fungsi dan tujuan dari teks narrative
Well student, function and purpose of narrative text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners. There are some division of narrative text such as Legend, Fable, Fairy Tale etc.

§  Siswa mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks yang didengar seperti :
o   What the story about?
o   When and where events are happening in the story?
o   what moral values ​​embodied in the story?

§  Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 2 orang.

§  Di dalam kelompok siswa di tugaskan untuk menulis kembali cerita yang telah diceritakan dengan bahasa sendiri.

§  Siswa mendiskusikan dan mengkreasikan kembali teks yang didengar menjadi teks yang baru.

§  Meminta salah satu dari tiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil dari pekerjaan, dan membandingkan nya dengan teks aslinya.

§  Guru memberikan penguatan dalam mendiskusikan elaborasi.

§  Guru membimbing siswa dalam melakukan pengembangan pemahaman mereka atas teks cerita yang diberikan.

§  Guru memberikan reward atas tugas yang telah mereka selesaikan dengan baik.

·      Kegiatan akhir (20’)
§  Guru memancing siswa untuk membuat rangkuman berdasarkan pemahaman mereka sendiri.

§  Guru memberikan penilaian atas pencapaian siswa.

§  Guru memberikan umpan balik atas pencapaian siswa.

6. sumber pembelajaran
·         Look Ahead X by Erlangga
·         Lks simpati
·         Teacher’s voice
·         Another supporting source

7. Evaluasi
   Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!
A tiger and a farmer
     Once, there was a farmer from laos. Everyday he ploughed his field with buffalo. One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working. The tiger was surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal. He wanted to know more about the buffalo and the man.
      After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo,  ”you are so big and strong. Why do everything the man tells you?” the buffalo answered, “oh, the man was so intelligent.” The tiger asked, “can you tell me how intelligent he is?”. “no, I can’t. but you can ask him.” Answered the buffalo.
      So the next day, the tiger said to the man, “ can I see your intelligent?” but the man answered, “it’s at home”. “can you go and get it for me?” asked the tiger. The man said, “yes, but I am afraid you will kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you?”
      After the man tied the tiger on the tree, he didn’t go home to get his intelligent, but he took his plough and hit the tiger. He said, “now you know about my intelligent, even you haven’t seen it.”

1.      What does the writer purpose with the story above?
a.       To entertain the readers
b.      To inform the readers
c.       To tell past event
d.      To give report
e.       To explain something
2.      What kind of sentence did the writer use to show real words of speaker?
a.       Passive voice
b.      Active voice
c.       Direct speech
d.      Indirect speech
e.       Simple past tense
3.      Who hit the tiger?
a.       The buffalo did
b.      The man did
c.       The man’s wife did
d.      The man’s intelligent did
e.       The man and his buffalo did
4.      Where did the story occur?
a.       In the rice field
b.      At the farmer’s house
c.       At the farmer’s garden
d.      On the way to the field
e.       At the street
5.      Which is true according to the text? Exept…
a.       The farmer kept his intelligent at home
b.      The man went home to get his intelligent
c.       The man took his plough to plough his field
d.      The buffalo took the plough to hit the tiger
e.       The man tied the tiger to the tree
Scoring :

Scor @10

Nilai x 100

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